2024. május 6. , 16:56
Köszöntjük Ivett, Frida nevű kedves olvasóinkat!
Contact Info
Local Authority Gödöllő
: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100.
Address: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100. PO Box: 385.
Phone: +36 (28) 529-100;
Fax: +36 (28) 529-255; +36 (28) 529-251
E-mail: pmh@godollo.hu
Website: www.godollo.hu



Holy Trinity Church

15 Szent Imre Street
The colored windows of the Holy Trinity Church are a unique work of art in Gödöllő. The 63 windows are the whole range of colors of the rainbow. The colors represent a musical note and thus those who are familiar with this musical note-color code can detect the Gregorian "Kyrie Eleison" song of the Medieval Ages.  With this unique architectural solution the architect drives the attention of the visitor to the site of the Eucharystia, the sacred centre of the church. The design of the church was made by a major Hungarian architect, Tamás Nagy. The imposing complex shows the form of a monastery and it houses the church, the parochy and the room for social activities. A square inner court is surrounded by the glass walls of the complex which makes the whole building light and airy. The church was consecrated in 2008 after a four-year-old construction work. Donations were made by the Catholic congregation and the Episcopate of Vác.       "The canonized and beautified members of Árpád House" - carpet pictures series were placed on the church walls. The series is the unique work of Erzsébet Szekeres and it shows 14 members of the Árpád House who were canonized or beautified.
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