2025. március 15. , 06:00
Köszöntjük Kristóf nevű kedves olvasóinkat!
Contact Info
Local Authority Gödöllő
: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100.
Address: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100. PO Box: 385.
Phone: +36 (28) 529-100;
Fax: +36 (28) 529-255; +36 (28) 529-251
E-mail: pmh@godollo.hu
Website: www.godollo.hu

Gödöllő City Hall

The Mayor's Office Gödöllő is a legal entity, a self-sufficient, independent budgetary authority under the supervision of the notary and in the mayor's governance. The mayor exercises his powers in his/her independent local authority jurisdiction according to the decisions made by the body representative.  The mayor's office performs duties related to the operation of the local authority/mayorate, preparations for the decision making processes in state affairs, and the implementation of duties.

Members of the local government

Mayor Dr. György Gémesi Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club

Deputy mayors Dr. Zsolt Fábián Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Zoltán Pintér Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club

Notary public: Dr. Éva Nánási

Elected members
Józsefné Szűcs Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Antal Kis Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Dániel Pecze Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
András Varga Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Lajos Guba Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
József Pelyhe Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Zoltán Pintér Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Tibor Tóth Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Levente Halász Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club
Árpád Varga Gödöllő Local Patriotes' Club

Members from party list:
Levente Szabolcs Futás FIDESZ
István János Vörös FIDESZ
Etelka Kristóf Jobbik
Barnabás Kovács MSZP

The internal organizational units of the mayor's office are as follows:

Budgetary Office
Head of office: Dr. Györgyné Heltai

Chief Architect's Office
Head of office: Judit Mészáros

City Sercives and Asset Managment
Head of office: Dr. Magdolna Kálmán

Communication and International Relation office
Head of office: Csaba Péterfi

Family Assistances Office
Head of office: Gábor Rehorovszky

Jurisdiction Office
Head of office: Dr. Árpád Kiss

Notary's Office
Head of office: Dr. Éva Nánási

Public Education Office
Head of office: Ákosné Benkő

Public Services and Legal Documents Office
Head of office:  Magdolna Mészáros

Public Welfare-Office
Head of office: dr. Márta Tamás

Tax Office
Head of office: József Lőrincz


Gödöllő Város Önkormányzata, Local Authority Gödöllő
Headquarters: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100.
Address: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100. PO Box: 385.
Phone: +36 (28) 529-100;
Fax: +36 (28) 529-255; +36 (28) 529-251
E-mail: pmh@godollo.hu
Website: www.godollo.hu

Copyright © 2010
Gödöllő város Önkormányzata
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