2024. május 6. , 18:18
Köszöntjük Ivett, Frida nevű kedves olvasóinkat!
Contact Info
Local Authority Gödöllő
: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100.
Address: 7 Szabadság square, Gödöllő, 2100. PO Box: 385.
Phone: +36 (28) 529-100;
Fax: +36 (28) 529-255; +36 (28) 529-251
E-mail: pmh@godollo.hu
Website: www.godollo.hu



The Calvary

Elizabeth Park, Mihály Táncsics road
A distinguished work of art is the Calvary, a baroque memorial built by András Mayerhoffer between 1771-1775 on orders by Antal Grassalkovich I (1694-1771). Golgotha, the crucifiction scene of Jesus Christ is shown by a hollow stone building. The inside of the Calvary houses a red marble water reservoir which is filled with water from Pazsaki stream and which provides for the watering of the park. Because the spring silted up water from Hattyús (swan) lake was pumped up with steam engines to water the park. The Golgotha is equipped with stone banisters the rococo decoration of which is a delicate decoration for the three statues of the saints that the banisters embrace: the Virgin Mary, Saint John and Mary Magdalene The memorial, a characteristic baroque urban work of art, was built from soft limestone and due to its vulnerability it had to be reconstructed several times in 1827, 1931, 1961 and 1990.   A new renovation plan is underway: the whole memorial together with the pedestal and the park will be renewed.


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